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Neck Therapy Archives - Lowcountry PTA
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  • Neck Therapy

Category Archives for Neck Therapy

Neck Pain Therapy

Neck pain can be relieved by stretching, strengthening, and exercise. We can provide both rehabilitation and pain relief for neck. Call to day and take the first step to a pain free neck.

Our MedX equipment is designed to accurately test your neck , identifying existing or potential problems. Precise measurements of range of motion, strength and endurance are then compared to established norms. A progressive strengthening program is then developed to isolate and strengthen the weakened area.

Necks Therapy

Get Going...Pain Free

Watch A Physical Neck Therapy Session

MedX exercise machines are precisely adjusted to each individual patient during the first therapy session. The back or neck muscles are gradually strengthened leading to long-term success for the patient. The precision of MedX training makes it much more effective than conventional strength training.

Neck Pain Therapy can be applied using Neck Therapy by stretching, strengthening, and exercise. We can provide both rehabilitation and pain relief for neck.

  • Biomechanically precise—trains the flexion and extension muscles of the neck for improved range of motion
  • Stretches and strengthens the cervical spinal muscles while promoting increased omni-directional strength and flexibility of entire neck

For more check out our Video http://www.medxonline.com/articles.php


You would be hard-pressed to find an insurer in the United States today who isn’t looking for ways to reduce healthcare costs without compromising the quality of care.  Cost centers associated with chronic lower back and neck pain are a good place to start.  At $100 billion annually, back and neck pain treatment interventions are the sixth most costly medical expense, and the number one surgical cost center in the healthcare system.

The following are three primary reasons for spiraling costs:

  • Back pain and neck pain are common
  • There is a huge diversity and lack of sustained success in the treatment of chronic back and neck pain
  • The prevailing “fee for service” approach encourages healthcare providers to continue to treat patients without measuring or holding those providers accountable for patient outcomes

Many people are afflicted by back pain and neck pain…

Nearly everyone at some point has back pain that interferes with work, recreation, or daily routine.  Back pain affects about 80 percent of adults at sometime in their lives.  About 50 percent of people have experienced neck pain.

Back pain is:

  • The #1 reason for lost work days
  • The #2 most common reason for doctor visits – second only to the common cold
  • The #2 leading cause of disability

Varied treatments from diverse professionals lack sustained success…

The sheer number and different types of healthcare providers that treat chronic back and neck pain – many with their own unique approaches – suggests that we do not have a good understanding of this very common and expensive problem.

The wide variety of diagnostic tests that are available – ranging from a simple x-ray to 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – can cost from $500 to more than $3,000 depending on the location and provider.  However, it has been estimated that less than 20 percent of patients can be given a precise diagnosis.

Patients cycle through multiple protocols delivered by physicians, chiropractors, and therapists.  There are more than a dozen therapeutic approaches from medications to chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, and surgery – all lacking objective measures to quantify their effectiveness for the patient with persistent back and neck pain.

There are arguments as to which approach is best.  Most of these debates are meaningless since there are no common measures within the spine healthcare community by which to gauge success.